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All visitors to Jordan must hold passports that are valid for at least six months beyond the pro- posed date of entry to the country Everyone other than nationals of certain Arab countries must also have a visa to enter Jordan

Single- and multiple-entry visas are available in advance from Jordanian embassies and consulates abroad Single-entry visas are also issued to EU, Canadian, US, Australian and New Zealand nationals at all land, sea and air borders except the King Hussein (Allenby) Bridge If you plan to enter Jordan for the first time via this bridge, you must already hold a visa; if, however, you left Jordan via this bridge and are returning the same way, you don't need to buy another visa as long as your current one is still valid.

Visa fees vary dramatically and, although it's infinitely less hassle just to buy a visa when you arrive, applying in advance can work out considerably cheaper for some nationalities From Jordanian consulate abroad, single- or multiple- entry visas for Australians are generally free; those for New Zealanders and Irish (in whose countries Jordan has no consulates -apply to Canberra and London, respectively) are the equivalent of around US$l0 in local currency; those for Americans are $44 and for Canadians C$65; and Britons pay £27148 for single-double-entry visas. The fees for single-entry visas on arrival are; to Australians JD16, Canadians JD36, Irish JD11, New Zealanders JD16, Britons JD23, US citizens JD33.

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